
The Ultimate All-Terrain Wheelchair

The Outrider Coyote 4WD is the most compelling off-road mobility solution for disabled individuals. Why? Here’s why:

It doesn’t look like a wheelchair.

Instead of trying to turn a wheelchair into an ATV, like the Magic Mobility x8, we took our most capable off-road platform and made it adaptive. The result? A dignified, all-terrain power chair that can keep up with a mountain bike, and perhaps more importantly, looks like it can.

It doesn’t drive like a wheelchair.

The Coyote was built for performance. Not just contemporary, good-as-the rest performance. 140 miles of range. 22 mph. 182 ft-lb of torque. These are the kinds of specs you advertise for cars and motorcycles. The kind of specs you don’t hear about in the power chair world because almost always, the specs they offer aren’t worth reporting.

It’s more than a wheelchair. It’s an adaptive 4WD.

We gave the Coyote 4WD next-gen hub motor technology, an absolutely enormous 6048 Watt/hr battery, and plush independent air suspension. Why? So you could make the type of journeys you hadn’t dreamed of being able to do before. Comfortably. Capably. Confidently. This is what makes the Outrider Coyote the ultimate all-terrain wheelchair.

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